Friday, September 20, 2013

Allergies can make you itch, OOOHHH Allergies...

Sound familiar? Yeah, I wish it didn’t. Today I’m fairly miserable. I feel like I’m in a major fog. So tired. My allergies have been keeping me up at night, and making me feel lousy during the day too. Itchy, sniffling, irritated. It’s so hard to be positive!

But, it did make me think of a song from my childhood. Fred Penner was always a favorite, and I remember singing this song over and over as a child. I wish I could post all the lyrics, but I can’t find them anywhere online! Weird. So here’s the chorus. It totally sums up how I feel.

Allergies can make you itch. Oh Allergies.

Allergies can make you twitch. Oh Allergies.

You sneeze and wheeze, sniff and hack.

Go away, and never come back!

Oh, where do they come from, how long will they stay?

Will I always feel this way?

I’ll be so happy when farming slows down for a while, and I can breathe properly once more. Between farm dust/smoke and all the pollen and spring “stuff” floating around, I’ve had enough!


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