Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Serendipity Waterproof Crib Mattress Cover (for Parents Concerned about SIDS, Autism, Asthma & Alergies) by Best Day Ever LLC

The Best Day Ever crib waterproof mattress cover is designed with an impermeable layer to prevent toxic gasses, allergens and the other hazardous chemicals (linked to SIDS, Autism, Asthma and Allergies) from reaching your baby. What makes the Serendipity Mattress Cover different from other mattress covers? * Unlike typical mattress covers, the Serendipity cover blocks toxic gasses, hazardous chemicals, and allergens in your babies mattress. * The Serendipity Mattress Cover is made from an engineered pure polymer that contains no additives to leach into your babies sleeping environment. Vinyl and other types of plastic covers contain hazardous chemicals like fire retardants, plasticizers and biocides that can leach out of the cover creating a hazardous and potentially deadly environment for your baby. * Best Day Ever, the maker of the Serendipity Mattress Cover works with the non-profit No More SIDS Foundation to get mattresses covered at day care centers around the country. Best D..


  • The Best Day Ever Serendipity Crib Mattress Cover is made with specially-formulated plastic to prevent the off-gassing of toxic gasses from the crib mattress, which has been linked to the origin of SIDS, Autism, Asthma and allergies.

  • Our product was developed based on a 12-yr study in New Zealand that found that covering mattresses is 100% effective in preventing SIDS.

  • Of the 180,000 covered mattresses with this specially-formulated plastic, not a single SIDS death was reported.

  • In the same period, 870 SIDS deaths occurred on uncovered mattresses in homes and daycare centers.

  • For more information on this study, go to the No More SIDS foundation website at:

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