Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tightness In Chest Causes – Causes of Tight Chest Pain And Remedy

What causes tightness in the chest? Usually, people who experience tight chest pain in the left, right or center areas are those who have history of anxiety attacks. There are different version of tight chest pain and location. However, if the symptoms persist for a very long time and the pain in the chest worsens, it may be due to diseases in the heart or lungs. In unfortunate cases, heart attack, respiratory diseases, or even lung cancer may all result to difficulty in breathing with tight chest sensation.

What Causes Chest Tightness?

If you are having tight breathing in the chest for no apparent reason, you might be suffering from anxiety attack. It is also called panic attack and can be inconvenient when it flares up. People who have episodes of previous depression, worries, and frustrations may be vulnerable to anxiety attacks. It will cause chest pain and tightness together with other symptoms. For example, you will have sensation of shallow breathing when you inhale, some diaphragm pain when breathing, stabbing pain in the center of the chest or even one-sided chest pain and tightness. In order to reduce the symptom of tight chest, it is important to consult a doctor or a psychiatrist if you suspect you have anxiety attacks.

Another possible cause of tight chest pain with shortness of breath is lung cancer. Although this can happen in advanced cases, some people with the initial stages of cancer may feel shortness of breath and pain with tightness in the chest. Bear in mind that coughing, weight loss and weakness are the classic symptoms of lung cancer. Do not assume that you have cancer just because you have pain in the chest area. Some other people may experience pain below the collarbone, in the middle part of the chest (sternum) and even in the rib cage.

Heart disease and heart attack can contribute to chest pain and tightness. Other symptoms that you should look for a extreme pain in the left part of the heart, numbness of the chest and shoulder pain. Although these combinations of symptoms do not happen to many heart attack patients, it is best to evaluate the degree of pain in the chest and seek medical attention if it gets worse. Heart disease can be reduced with good lifestyle and frequent exercising.

How about heartburn?

Increased acid in the stomach may also result to chest tightness when breathing. This is a classic symptom of GERD or acid reflux. When the acid climbs up to the esophagus and affects the bronchial tube and the throat, then the symptoms of tight chest pain may be experienced. This is also called burning chest syndrome. The only way to reduce this pain is to control and neutralize the acid in the stomach. Taking antacids may help but chronic acid reflux should be taken to a doctor.

Asthma can simple allergies may also result to chest tightness. These factors primarily affects the chest and breathing due to allergens in the environment. Is there are way to cure asthma? While asthma is an allergic reaction in form, one can simple reduce the reaction by taking antihistamine medicines or using nebulizers. There are nebulizers for kids and adults which are very easy to use.

On the other hand, angina pain may be the true cause of your chest tightness sensation. Angina pain happens with the following symptoms, pain in the collar and breastbone, burning chest feeling, squeezing in the chest and pressure in the chest cavity area. Sometimes, the pain may go up to the forearms, shoulders, jaw, and neck.

Chest heaviness and tightness should be a warning sign of a more serious medical condition. If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, ask a doctor and be more informed on what diseases cause chest tightness and pain.

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