Thursday, September 26, 2013


16.4 million Adults and 7 million Children currently have Asthma. Asthma is a common lung disorder in many. An Asthma attack is caused by inflammation of the airway lining and tightening of the muscles around the airway. Due to the swelling of the airway it is hard to pass air and breath. Common symptoms are coughing, wheezing, chest tightening, and shortness of breath. Other more serious symptoms that need immediate medical attention are blue color in the lips, drowsiness, disorientation, rapid pulse, and sweating. Click to see what happens during an Asthma attack!

Asthma can be triggered by numerous things including animal hair, pollen, mold, vigorous exercise, stress, dust, and smoke. A common treatment for these attacks is an inhaler which helps open the airways so air can pass through. There are many different types of inhalers; some that are used to prevent an attack and some that are used to relieve an attack. If the attack is at an untreatable level hospitalization is necessary. The Asthma patient will be given oxygen and medicine intravenously.

Asthma has no known cause. Some people who suffer from Asthma have a family history of allergies. To prevent Asthma attacks one should avoid the common triggers mentioned above. The person should also sustain from scented detergents, rugs, humidity, household leaks, pets, and scented cleaning agents. It is even good to put allergy proof casing around the bedding, and placing filters over all the vents in the house.

There is currently no cure for Asthma but treatments make it managable. Most people who suffer from Asthma can live a normal healthy life. Although, if not treated properly some severe cases of Asthma can result in death.

Google. (2009). Google Health. Retrieved by

Mayo Clinic. (2009). Asthma Attack. Retrieved by

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