Friday, September 20, 2013

What plants can cause seizures or worse, in your pets?

We all love the flower season; fresh blossoms to smell, lively colors everywhere—what’s not to love?
What if you found out that some of those beautiful flowers could be potentially harmful, even fatal?
Protect your family and your pets from plants that might irritate their skin and eyes…or worse.
Below is a list of some harmful plants, however, before you nix the idea of having them around completely, you can consider placing them in locations that cannot be reached by children or pets. Maybe plant them behind what we, in the Green industry call, “Hostile plants”. These are plants that typically bear thorns and are widely and successfully used as deterrents. It is also very important to note the difference between “irritant” and “poisonous”. An irritant will cause minor discomfort to the skin and eyes and to the digestive tract if swallowed and usually does not require medical treatment unless a serious allergic reaction occurs, a poison however, most often requires medical intervention and should be a more primary concern. In some instances these toxicins can cause long-lasting and irreversible damage and even death. So, go with your gut. If you are not comfortable placing the plant material in your yard…then don’t. I can help you find a suitable, non-toxic look-a-like.

(**-Means that both humans and animals are affected)

Gelsimium semprevirens (Carolina Jessamine) – Al parts are toxic
Toxins affect the nervous system and the brain; causing seizures.

**Digitalis (Foxglove) – All parts are toxic**
The principle toxin “Digitalis”. This affects the heart; arrhythmias. Death can occur when large amounts have been consumed.

**Nerium (Oleander) – All parts are toxic**
Toxins cause heart arrhythmias. Can also cause skin and eye irritation and redness.

**Colchicum (Autumn Crocuses) – All parts are toxic**
The principle toxin “Colchicine”. This prevents cell division and causes multiple organ failure and death.

**Agrostemma githago (Corn Cockle-Annual) – All parts are toxic**
Poisonous if ingested

Alocasia (Elephant’s Ear – Colocasia) – All parts are toxic
All parts are poisonous if ingested. Can cause indigestion. Sap may irritate skin.

Aloe (Aloe-member of the lily family) – Sap is toxic
The plant’s raw sap beneath the skin is an irritant – Keep in mind, that Aloe purchased from a store is perfectly safe.

Arum (Many varieties) – Sap is toxic
Sap is irritant if ingested

Asclepias (Many Varieties) – All parts are toxic
Poisonous if ingested

**Brugmansia (Datura-Angel’s Trumpet) – All parts are toxic**
All parts are poisonous if ingested

**Brunfelsia australis (Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow) – All parts are toxic**
Toxins affect the nervous system and the brain; causing seizures.

Caesalpina (Poinciana-Variety of Bird of Paradise) – Pods and seeds are toxic
Poisonous if ingested

Caladium bicolor (Fancy-leafed caladium) – Sap is toxic
Sap can cause swelling in the mouth and throat. *May affect asthmatics more seriously

Caltha palustris (Marsh Marigold) – All parts are toxic
Can cause inflammation and pain if ingested.

**Calycanthus (Spice bush) – Seeds are toxic**
Can cause seizures/convulsions if ingestion.

Cestrum (No common name) – Fruit and sap are toxic
Poisonous if ingested

**Colchicum (Autumn Crocuses) – All parts are toxic**
The principle toxin “Colchicine”. This prevents cell division and causes multiple organ failure and death.

**Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley) – All parts are toxic**
Toxins are concentrated in the roots. Can lead to slowed heart rate, arrhythmias (Irregular heart beat), seizures and possible death.

**Corynocarpus laevigata (New Zealand Laurel) – Fruits and seeds are toxic**
Fruit is extremely poisonous if ingested

**Crinum and Gloriosa and Illicium-Anise tree/shrub (Lily family) –All parts are toxic**
Poisonous if ingested.

Daphne (No common name) – All parts are toxic
Toxins are concentrated in the fruits. Poisonous if ingested

Echium (E. Vulgare) – All parts are toxic
Only this variety is poisonous if ingested

Erythrina (Coral Tree) – Seeds are toxic
Seeds are poisonous if ingested

Euphorbia (All varieties) – Sap is toxic
Sap is an irritant and in many varieties, poisonous if ingested

Galanthus (Snowdrop) – Bulbs are toxic
Bulbs are poisonous if ingested

Glaucium (Horned poppy, Sea poppy) – Roots are toxic
Roots are poisonous if ingested

Helleborus (Hellebore) – All parts are toxic
Poisonous if ingested

Hyacinthus and Hymenocallis (No common name) – Bulbs are toxic
Bulbs may cause an allergic skin reaction.

Jicama (No common name) – Sees are toxic
Seeds are poisonous if ingested

Laburnum (Goldenchain tree) – All parts are toxic
All parts, especially seedpods, are highly poisonous if ingested

Ligustrum (Privet) – Leaves and fruits are toxic
Leaves and fruits cause gastric distress if ingested

Lobelia (Annual) – All parts are toxic
Most varieties contain poisonous alkaloids

Mango (No common name) – Sap maybe an irritant
Sap and juice from fruit can cause skin rash in some people. (Rare)

Melia azedarach (Chinaberry) – Berries are toxic
Fruit is poisonous if ingested

Mirabilis (Four O’clock) – Seeds and roots are toxic
Seeds and roots are poisonous

Ornithogalum (Many varieties-Lily family) – All parts are toxic
Toxin is concentrated in bulbs and are poisonous if ingested

Paris (No common name-Lily family) – Fruit is toxic
Fruit is poisonous if ingested

Pieris (No common name) – Leaves and nectar are toxic
Leaves and nectar poisonous if ingested

Podophyllum (No common name) – All parts are toxic
All parts (except ripe fruit) are poisonous if ingested

Potato (No common name) – Green skin and raw shoots are poisonous if ingested

Rhododendron (includes Azalea) – Leaves are toxic
Poisonous if ingested

Rhubarb (No common name) – Leaves are toxic
Leaves are poisonous if ingested. Use stems only

Robinia (Locust) – All parts are toxic
Poisonous if ingested

Sapium (Chinese Tallow Tree) – Milky sap is toxic
Poisonous if ingested

Scilla (Squill, Bluebell-Lily family) – All parts are toxic
Poisonous if ingested

Solanum (Potato vine) – All parts are toxic
Poisonous if ingested

Symphytum (Comfrey) – Low toxicity
Leaven may cause illness if ingested

Toxic plants for pets:

Cycad Palm (Cycas revolute-Sago palm & Fern Palm) – All parts are toxic
The principle toxin “Cycasin.” This causes liver failure and can cause neurological problems and death.

Ericaceae (Rhododendron, Azalea, and Laurel) – All parts are toxic
The principle toxin “Grayanotoxin”. This affects the muscle and nerve cells; causing heart arrhythmias, seizures, and vomiting.

Lillium/Crinum (Zantedeschia-Easter Lily, Tiger Lily, Stargazer lily, Hermorocallis-Daylily) – All parts are toxic
Toxic only to cats. Causes acute kidney failure

Numerous Taxus (Yews) – All parts are toxic
The principle toxin “Taxane”. This slows the heart rate causing heart arrhythmias and seizures. Death can occur in dogs when chewing branches.

Ricinus communis (Castor Bean/Castor Oil) – All parts are toxic
Toxins are concentrated in the beans. A single bean will kill a dog if the outer shell is ruptured. (if the seed is chewed or punctured)

If toxic materials are ingested do not induce vomiting. Contact a center for poison control or go to your local emergency room.

The world is your garden; grow with it.

For more info: Visit Google images to see photos of any of the plants listed above.
Also check out these other links for more information about toxic indoor plants and plants that may affect horses and other large livestock.

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