Tuesday, September 24, 2013

how was the treatment of and the effects of diseases such as acute congestion changed since the 1880"s ?

Acute congestions have changed a lot since the 1880′s. Diseases such as asthma, rhinitis, heart failure have changed over the years cures to these diseases have modernized. doctors have found cures for most of this diseases but some of them just don’t have any cure or people with these diseases have to learn how to live with this problems.

asthma disease
Asthma is a chronic lung condition that causes airway inflammation, the treatment goes on for a long time some people just have to learn how to leave with it. They have to stay on treatment for the rest of their lives. People have to use pumps which inside is made of a sort of oxygen that helps you breathe when you’re doing any kind of exercise asthmatic people don’t tend to do much exercise because of their respiratory system is not strong enough the way that they can fight it is by taking a controller medicine daily, you can have fewer asthma symptoms and fewer asthma attacks if you do not take any of the medications you’re needed . An asthma attack is like all your asthma symptoms coming together as one and it tights the muscles around your airways.

During the asthma attack, the lining of the airways also becomes swollen or inflamed and thicker that’s what makes you not breathe severe breathing and coughing

rhinitis disease
Rhinitis is also a respiratory disease I tend to experience it just never goes away you always have it specially on cold and hot weather. When you’re on cold weather your nose gets congested most of the time and you need a medication which is a liquid that goes into your nose that prevents you from bleeding. On hot weather you experience the same thing but without needing the medication your nose just need to be protected from the hot sunny days. It tends to hurt at first then you just start bleeding. . Instead of sneezing and dripping when you are around a huge amount of dust, your nose doesn’t react to a small amount of dust or whatever you may be allergic to. There is no cure for this disease you just have to learn how to leave with it Allergy is one of the diseases which can be controlled with medicine but can’t be cured by any medicine/operation. Try to find the causative factor & try to avoid it-but it is very difficult.

As you know There are different types of blindness, such as partial blindness, low visual problems, light perception , and total blindness. The worst one of this diseases is total blindness in which a person has no functional vision whatsoever. The damages that have left the eyes beyond repair can be treated with a surgical operation, which replaces the eyes with another the effectiveness of this operation it depends on the age of the person and at what time the damage of the person’s eye was inflected.

Deafness is the loss of ability to hear normally. These may occur in both ears or maybe just one. Conductive deafness is due to interference with the conduction of sound across the middle ear to the inner ear. deafness occurs either because the mother has not been immunized or has not previously had German measles. If the mother develops rubella in early pregnancy, there is a high risk of deafness occurring in the baby. Rubella is a common childhood infection. The doctor might want to remove the wax from your ears to see if there’s any possibility If there is no improvement, a referral to a specialist may be considered for sure.

heart failure
Heart failure is a cardiac condition that occurs when a problem with the structure or function of the heart impairs its ability to supply sufficient blood flow to meet the body’s needs. Heart failure can’t be cured. But they can be treated, often with improvement in symptoms. We tend to think of treatment as something from our doctors like a pill or a surgical procedure. That’s not the case with heart failure.

These diseases might sound horrible and you might think people are weird just because they have them but no these disease are part of their lives. Its alright nobody Is perfect and people shouldn’t judge those that are blind or deaf or cant breathe well. We should be happy that we are alive and that acute congestions cures have changed over the years and more cures have been invented and modernized.

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