Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Environmental causes of asthma and A safe environment with kids

Environmental causes of asthma:

The environmental causes of asthma are that of:

• Pollution

• Smoke

• Weather

• Exercise

• Physical stress

In recent studies it is appeared to be a relationship between the exposure to the air pollutants and childhood asthma. This research is found out that the occurrence of the disease and the childhood asthma are affected by the air pollutants.

A safe environment:

Making sure your child is safe in your environment and he/she does not have a asthma attack. You can prevent this if you know what triggers are so you can prevent any of this from happening. So a safe environment is where there are no signs of your child’s triggers around. Keep your child away from the triggers some causes are for outdoor: smoke, pollution, weather, grass, exercise, physical stress and pollen.
The indoor symptoms are: dust mites, smoke, perfume, deodorants, heart burn, emotional stress, drugs, colds and other viruses, and also allergies.

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