Monday, September 23, 2013

Bronchitis, Croup, Strep, Asthma anyone....

Yeah, Micayla has all the above except strep.. as of right now.. they did a 24 hr. culture for strep and we’ll know tomorrow on that one.. She seems to get this way every year. I hate it because nothing really seems to help it. Her inhaler does the best so they have raised her puffs on that from 2 to 4 for now.. and, she is not happy about missing school today at all….
She is cleared by the doctor to go to school tomorrow if there is no fever tonight. She sounds really cruddy when she coughs, but she has her whole life, and sometimes it sounds way worse than it is. It is extremely loud, like a barking seal kind of except maybe more painful.. hard to explain but it just flat out stinks overall.
Well, that’s my blog for today and if you happen to stop by here and read it just say a prayer for her to clear up quickly. Thanks :)

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