Saturday, September 28, 2013

Smoking and Asthma

Smoking is bad news for everyone, but especially for kids who have asthma. And yet between 15 and 20 percent of people with asthma still indulge in the habit, even though it makes them wheezier. Pregnant women who smoke increase the risk of the baby being asthmatic and having other respiratory illness. Tobacco smoke contains 4,000 chemicals, present either as gases or tiny particles.

You do not have to smoke yourself to inhale the fumes. Every time you walk into a bar you will get a blast of tobacco and if your asthma is severe you should avoid such places. Other people’s smoking habits can make your life a misery and if you live or work with a smoker there is little or no escape from smoke related risks.Children of smokers are more likely to have wheezy episodes and time off school than those with non smoking parents. It is generally worse when the mother smokes because many children spend more time with their mother than their father.

Keep your home smoke free. Remove all ashtrays and should a guest ask for one, explain that it is necessary to keep your home unpolluted, and suggest they smoke outside. Offer them a nicotine patch if they do not want to go out. It is important to have fresh air circulating throughout your home but beware of room fresheners as they also can be triggers. Open a window back and front of your home for a little while twice a day. Children are much more sensitive to cigarette pollution than adults. Seek out practical information on how to protect them against asthma using new and innovative methods. Look up a website with an alternative solution about how to cure asthma the natural way.

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