Friday, September 27, 2013

Help! Fish aquatic expert!?

Last week I saw these little black baby fish or whatever it is in my tank and so I set up some java moss so they could hide. They are weird and they look like fish but they are not getting bigger and they hang on to the wall sometimes. I need to know if maybe they are little fish fry from my siamese algae flying fox or if they are some kind of parasite. I can describe how they look and they are tiny and their color is black and they are shaped like a little sucking fish. They still havent grown any bigger and its been two weeks. I have no idea i searched all over on the internet and I still cant find a picture of flying fox fry so that i know how they look so now im worried!! Please if anybody knows what im talking about comment asap thank you for ur time reading this!!!

You need to pay taxes on all money you earn/receive worldwide, but I am sure that you knew that. However, you need to talk to an immigration lawyer as to whether you are allowed to work writing editorials – normally you would need another visa to cover the second job. You are only allowed to have the one job in the US under the H-1B visa rules.

Im packing today and going up to visit my mum with my 8 mth old baby. My partner and I had an argument he said im a emotional piece of junk…next day he said I pushed him to say that and if I hadnt tried talking to him he wouldnt of said it. Even I know that I didnt make him say that. I am so depressed here and there is no emotional support from him. I tried talking to him he is not interested in talking and pretends to go to sleep if I try….I asked him does he love me and want to work to make things better and we need to be solution orientated instead of tearing each other down…he says well if I am asking for something he cant do it because he feels if I ask then I am pressurising him to do it and he doesnt want to unless its something he feels like….What the??? God I am so drained and barely coping and his attitude just says to me he could care less. He came and kissed me goodbye like everything is ok??? My head is turning inside out and Im wondering if Im going crazy….I know I am very depressed and have seen doctor and have medication to take but Im thinking being with him is not good for me emotionally so maybe this time I wont return which is hard cause I feel Ive no energy left. I dont know I keep going in circles in my head.

where in michigan can i get bare solid square aluminum wire,or bare square copper with aluminum core (18-22awg) wire?and where can i get the high temp. adhesive to handle the extreme heat i intend to put through it?

We absolutely need Air Force One as a flying White House. It is an international symbol of the President of the United States, hence a reflection of this great country. The history channel is doing special on Air Force One this week — I encourage you to watch it.

the problem with microsoft word that it is related to its own filesystem i.e if you have created a file using office 2007 and trying to open it office 2003 if may not have the full feateures of the exact file so try to use the same version or upgrader version in which you have created it

Just wondering if any of you skin experts out there can slide an answer my way. I will take up swimming if it will help…

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