Thursday, September 26, 2013

Allergy Relief: All the Secret Benefits of Naturally Sourced Products

By James Rutherford

Is Traditional medicine better than natural ingredients for allergy relief?

Anyone who has had to suffer with an allergy, or an allergic reaction, would be the only ones who could answer that question honestly, based on what type of medication they have or currently still use. Basically, what works for one person will not necessary work for ten others. Allergy relief can be found just as effectively with herbs and plant extracts, than with over the counter remedies such as Benadryl, Dermidex and Clarityn. Therefore it is wonderful medically wise, that not only are there different remedies which can be obtained from a chemist, but that nature is also able to supply natural, viable alternatives.

At the time of your GP’s diagnosis, you would have been prescribed a remedy that he felt would help your particular allergy. It would have no hidden attributes that could be used for health issues with any other bodily functions. Its purpose is centered on targeting just one health issue alone.

It is wrong to think that various roots and fruit extracts, are similar to conventional medicines in that they only target a specific area of the anatomy. People from all around the world have been using naturally sourced produce for more than what they are commonly known for. One plant is capable of healing other vital areas within the anatomy, whilst treating the original complaint. It is this quality that sets them apart from conventional medicines. ,

Generally speaking, being able to target a multitude of health problems from the compounds of a single plant, is amazing. Especially when considering how using extract from the root of a plant to treat asthma, can also be used to maintain the health of your vital organs. Plant and root extracts have much more to offer than just a single remedy.

So popular nowadays are a number of herbal teas because of the antihistamines they contain within. But their usage has increased health wise also, as more people have become aware that they offer so much more to the health industry.

In places like Germany, the stinging nettles bought significant relief for those with aching joints and arthritis. This is down to it being easily available and enriched with vitamins A and vitamin C. Men and women who workout with weights use it also as a dietary supplement because of its richness in iron. Among tribes people, it was used to keep the hair clean and dandruff free.

Using peppermint tea on a regular basis not only keeps colds away, but attributes to the recovery after serious bowel issues and upset stomachs. Instead of using breathing aids, drinking peppermint tea has been found to relieve the symptoms of mild asthma.

Green tea is without doubt the most beneficial and widely used for its abundance of health advantages. None more so than its ability to protect the five vital organs, the heart especially and its chances of becoming diseased. Many athletes also drink green tea because it acts as a stimulant to fight fatigue.

Found in the skin and stem of pineapples, is a compound called bromelain which acts as a natural remedy for severe hay fever. Because of its ability to clear the nasal passage and reduce swelling, thousands that suffer with acute hay fever benefit most. But what not many people do know is that bromelain is used to slow the growth of cancerous cells plus it makes a huge impact in relieving bone degenerative diseases. As it has been found to slow blood clotting, it is strongly advised that bromelain should not be taken if suffering with a poor heart.

Astralagus is another herb used by allergy sufferers for it’s anti-inflammatory qualities. Similar to bromelain, this particular herb is also used effectively in the medical industry for the treatment of cancer. Another benefit of Astralagus is if mixed with other plant extracts, there is overwhelming truth to show that organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys are taken care of. In the health and beauty industry, the slowing of aging from regular intakes of Astralagus has been found too.

Not all alternative remedies for allergy relief, comes from above the ground. There are a number of roots that allergy sufferers use because the ability they have to clear the nasal passages, are much more pleasant than a saline solution.

The Japanese root Wasabi, has a similar taste as horseradish and mustard and is used on sushi as a marinade. But it is also more widely recognized among hay fever sufferers as a nasal decongestant. Unlike mustard and horseradish, wasabi does not burn the tongue. Instead, the chemical allyl isothiocyanate which is found within, directs the heat to the nasal passage where blocked sinuses are relieved. The other benefit of wasabi when consumed, is that it acts as an anti bacterial mouthwash.

If suffering with mouth ulcers, another common root found to have an array of benefits is licorice root. In Japan and China they use a compound from within the licorice root to treat lung diseases such as hepatitis and tuberculosis.

The root Butterbur is another found to be highly effective against hay fever, and is popular among Europeans as an alternative to nasal sprays. Native Americans were the first to discover how severe headaches and migraines were also remedied with butterbur root.

Besides all the above roots and plants being beneficial to those that suffer various allergies, there is one other apparent factor they all share. Each one contains an abundance of flavanoids. Of all the plant species green tea contains the most flavanoids, and is generally regarded as the most healthy of all plants and foods which fall into the health bracket. The most recognized of all flavanoids is Quercetin which can be found exclusively in the skin of apples and onions. This compound has a multitude of qualities outside of being an extremely efficient antihistamine. When taking Quercetin on a regular basis, it has been found to increase stamina and stop fat cells forming. If Quercetin is added to a natural plant extract called resveratrol, the evidence is overwhelming in its ability to reduce cholesterol levels.

Because of flavanoids being predominantly abundant in most plants, this could go part way to explaining why vegetarians always look a picture of health. It seems then that having a well balanced diet which is full of fruit, vegetables and various herbs, also plays a significant role in reducing allergies and other diseases.

It is advised to consult with your GP before implementing a change in diet, merely to ascertain that you do not have any health issues. A few of the extracts highlighted can have a negative effect especially if suffering with heart disease.

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